Eating Attitudes Test

Wonder if you have an eating disorder?

Teachers always want us to “raise your hand” when we have a question. Sometimes it’s not that easy. You don’t want everyone to see your hand in the air, and you’re not sure if you really have a question. I understand.

But I’m glad you’re ready to ask some questions about your eating. Determining if you have an eating disorder is worth the time to ask a few questions, because early detection and treatment greatly improve your recovery time. The sooner you know if you’re at risk for an eating disorder, the sooner you can get help and start to feel better about your future and your freedom.

The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) is the most widely used standardized self-reporting measure of symptoms characteristic of eating disorders. The EAT is not designed to make a diagnosis or to take the place of a professional diagnosis and consultation, but is a useful screening tool to assess “eating disorder risk.”

The test is free and yields a “referral index” based on: 1. Total score, 2. answers to behavioral questions, and, 3. your Body Mass Index (BMI) calculated from your height and weight. Scores indicating risk suggest the need to meet with a professional, and regardless of score anyone who feels they are suffering from feelings interfering with daily functioning should contact a trained professional.

Individuals with eating disorders are not alone. There are 23 million people suffering from eating disorders in the United States. If you have questions, or have concerns, give me a call.